Sunday, March 17, 2013

How to propagate Agapanthus

How to propagate Agapanthus

seedling may take two or three years before they reach flowering size.

Sow agapanthus seeds during April in pots containing a good quality seed compost such as John Innes 'Seed and Cutting' at a temperature of between 13-15 degrees Celsius.

When they are large enough to handle, prick out the seedlings into boxes. Transfer the young plants into 9 cm pots using a good quality potting compost such as John Innes 'No 1', and when they out grow these they can be further potted on into 12 cm pots.

Overwinter these under protection so that they are in a frost free environment and then they will be big enough to be planted outside in the following spring.
Agapanthus will thrive in any fertile, well drained soil so long as they have a sheltered position - especially in colder areas. If you have purchased bare-root agapanthus then these can be planted outdoors in April, setting the crowns about 2 inches below the soil level. Do not disturb the roots after planting!

Water well during the growing season and cut back the flowering stems after flowering - unless the seeds are required for propagation.

In cold areas, protect the root system from October to April with  a 6-9 inch deep layer of bracken, weathered ashes or course sand.


Agapanthus species are a family of hardy and half hardy perennial plants which grow in compact clumps, and have fleshy roots. About ten species are botanically recognised, but due to their readiness to hybridize between species classification of all agapanthus can be confused.grown outdoors in the south and west of Great Britain.

In colder regions they will require a sheltered, sunny border with protection over the winter period.

The widely to narrowly funnel shaped flowers are 1-3 inches long, and are produced in round umbels. Flowering begins in July and continues until August, sometimes September depending on the weather and variety.

Agapanthus 'Headbourne Hybrids' are considered to be one of the hardiest forms of agapanthus that can be readily purchased. They can grow to a height of 2-3 ft and if you want to grow a drift of them they will require a planting distance of 15-18 inches apart. Their erect flowering stems carry spherical umbels of deep violet-blue to pale blue flowers.